Well, the view out of the gym window was a nice one this morning. Major snow day without a hint of all the playtime I had with my family last night, as it continued to come down a bit overnight. Sunny this morning, though, with at least a foot of powder everywhere. Family fun; at least until I go shovel the driveway for the third time in 12 hours…
![View from gym window in winter](https://www.itsamanslife.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/photo-51.jpg)
The view out the gym window after Snowpocalypse ’14.
Delts: DB upright rows (4×12,10,8,6 + X Reps); Incline one-arm laterals (3×10 + X Reps); Lateral raises (3×10 + X Reps); DB presses (2×20,15)
Triceps: Lying DB extensions (4×12,10,8,6 + X Reps); Overhead extensions (3×10 + X Reps); Decline parallel presses (3×10 + X reps); Bench dips (2×20,15)
Biceps: DB curls (4×12,10,8,6 + X Reps); Incline curls (3×10 + X Reps); Concentration curls (3×10 + X Reps); Wide-grip barbell curls (2×20,15)
Forearms: Hammer curls (3×10)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym program is based on the Phase 2 workout in the NEW Super-Size Crash Course e-book.
Summary: Fantastic workout, and not just because of the weather. Just one of those days where you feel completely tuned in to every muscle and exercise. The drive was alive!
Just a few minor changes from Saturday’s workout, which I just noticed that I never posted. While listed as “bench dips” for triceps, I’ve actually been doing chair dips up till now. The problem with those is twofold; they move around on the carpeted gym floor, and if I lean one against a wall, it starts damaging the paint. Solution? Stair dips! LOL! Same move with more stability. I also went with Wide-grip barbell curls to finish off biceps just to keep them a bit different than the DB curls up front. Great change, and a truly great training session all around.
Diet/Supps: For supplement truths and recommendations, see Jerry Brainum’s e-book, Natural Anabolics, available at www.JerryBrainum.com.
Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.