Project E36 M3 – Part 1

Project E36 M3 - Part 1

For the full article, go here:
Project E36 M3: Part 1 – Taming the Wobbly Beast

I started reading all the hype on the BMW E36 M3 back in 1995, and I was immediately enthralled by what was considered the “Best Handling Car at Any Price” by many in the automotive press.  In 1997 my obsession got so great that I started stalking the local BMW dealership, and in late-1998 I went on my first test drive.  After a long and painful courtship, my dreams became reality in July of 1999, as I managed to get one of the final production models, and I haven’t looked back since. [Read more…]


Michelin Pilot Super Sport: Review

Pilot Super Sports T8 Rain

Photo courtesy of Ryan McManama @ Rollingstockphoto

We’re in the middle of some rather exciting times in the automotive world.  Car manufacturers are having an all-out horsepower war that’s almost frightening—if you have to occasionally ride right seat at subsonic speeds anyway.  Tire manufactures haven’t hesitated to wage war against one another either. [Read more…]
