We had to get to Saturday-morning Judo for my son, so this was a low-rest, all-out training session. I liked it! I had to condense 45 minutes of work into 30 minutes, and I didn’t want to skip anything at all. That meant very little rest between anything…
Back: Chins (2×12,10); Pullovers (1×10); Behind-the-neck chins (2×10,8); One-arm DB rows (1×12); Bent-over bent-arm laterals (2×10,8); Forward-lean shrugs (1×18)
Delts: DB upright rows (2×14,12); Incline one-arm laterals (1×10); Lateral raises (2×10,9)
Biceps: DB curls (2×10,8); Incline DB curls (1×10); Concentration curls (2×10,9)
Abs: Leg raises (1×18); Full-range crunches (2×15); Planks (1×60 seconds)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the Phase 2 workout in the 20 Pounds of Muscle in 10 Weeks e-book.
Summary: Great pump, and the lungs got a nice blasting, too. I thought for sure I’d have to at least skip abs, but all the huffing and puffing meant that I was able to jam everything into my limited amount of gym time. I could’ve rested more and skipped a shower, but who are we kidding… No body wants that. LOL
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.