Thursday, Oct. 17, ’13: Chest, Back

 Swapped the sequence again today in order to hit back first. Had a great back workout because of it, and even brought back another old favorite exercise I hadn’t done in ages…


Back: Supported DB rows (4×15,12,10,8(10)—last set was an X-cel drop set); Pullovers (4×10 + X Reps); Supported bent-arm bent-over laterals (4×30,20,12,8(8) + X Fade—last set was an X-cel drop set)
Chest: Incline DB presses (3×15,10,8(7) + X Reps—last set was an X-cel drop set); Incline DB flyes (4×10 + X Reps); Parallel-grip bench presses (3×30,20,15 + X Fade)

Note:My current PowerBlock gym program is based on 4X, TORQ and Super TORQ techniques, as well as various hybrid techniques from Beyond X.

Summary: Started with back again, as I’m sticking with the plan to alternate the sequence on each chest/back day. Happy to be able to do supported rows in the home gym, but not happy about where the support comes from. Don’t get me wrong, it’s comfortable, but awkward. The seat of my stationary bike works perfectly for supported back work, but puts my face near space I’d rather not be. LOL! Keeping my chin up seems to prevent any contact, but I still wash my face vigorously afterward. Ha!

Chest was a repeat of last Thursday, and I’m really liking the Parallel-grips for a contracted move. Takes some concentration, but they’re surprisingly good. You’ll note that I didn’t do abs today because of an unexpected time crunch. The beauty of that, however, is that I can just do them later today since the gym is just a couple sets of stairs away.
