Back on track after a very interesting week. Between birthdays, last-minute scheduling changes, being on the verge of getting sick and Valentine’s Day, the workouts were all over the place. A Sunday morning workout is the perfect time to dial things back in…
Quads: Step-back lunges (2×12,8); Sissy squats (2×12,10)
Hamstrings: Leg curls (3×14,12,10)
Calves: Donkey calf raises (2×45,40); One-legged calf raises (2×15,12)
Chest: Incline DB presses (2×10,8); Incline flyes (1×9); DB bench presses (2×10,8); DB flyes (1×10)
Triceps: Lying extensions (2×10,8); Overhead extensions (1×10); Bench dips (2×12,10)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the Phase 2 workout in the 20 Pounds of Muscle in 10 Weeks e-book.
Summary: Workout was a carbon copy of last Monday. Low back felt okay, but it wasn’t up to the support I wanted on Stiff-legged deadlifts, so those are still on the delete sheet for now. I hate that, but it’s better than making myself crippled for a week. Great workout, though, and I got to show my son some exercises he seemed to like. He also refused to let me show him proper technique on a couple of others, so life is all about balance. LOL!
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.