Legs, Chest, Triceps (Phase 2)

Back on track after a very interesting week. Between birthdays, last-minute scheduling changes, being on the verge of getting sick and Valentine’s Day, the workouts were all over the place. A Sunday morning workout is the perfect time to dial things back in…

Quads: Step-back lunges (2×12,8); Sissy squats (2×12,10)
Hamstrings: Leg curls (3×14,12,10)
Calves: Donkey calf raises (2×45,40); One-legged calf raises (2×15,12)
Chest: Incline DB presses (2×10,8); Incline flyes (1×9); DB bench presses (2×10,8); DB flyes (1×10)
Triceps: Lying extensions (2×10,8); Overhead extensions (1×10); Bench dips (2×12,10)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the Phase 2 workout in the 20 Pounds of Muscle in 10 Weeks e-book.

Summary: Workout was a carbon copy of last Monday. Low back felt okay, but it wasn’t up to the support I wanted on Stiff-legged deadlifts, so those are still on the delete sheet for now. I hate that, but it’s better than making myself crippled for a week. Great workout, though, and I got to show my son some exercises he seemed to like. He also refused to let me show him proper technique on a couple of others, so life is all about balance. LOL!
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.


Legs, Chest, Triceps (Phase 2)

Sure, chest work happened to fall on National Chest Day, but there’s something really great about starting a Monday morning with leg work… At least when you’re feeling as good as I was this morning. Best part of it, aside from how great it was during the actual workout, is the fact that you get a good hormonal boost from starting with big exercises on big bodyparts. Perfect for us old guys…

Quads: Step-back lunges (2×12,8); Sissy squats (2×12,10)
Hamstrings: Leg curls (3×14,12,10)
Calves: Donkey calf raises (2×45,40); One-legged calf raises (2×15,12)
Chest: Incline DB presses (2×10,8); Incline flyes (1×9); DB bench presses (2×10,8); DB flyes (1×10)
Triceps: Lying extensions (2×10,8); Overhead extensions (1×10); Bench dips (2×12,10)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the Phase 2 workout in the 20 Pounds of Muscle in 10 Weeks e-book.

Summary: While the Step-back lunges may not be as “big” of a movement as squats, they still get the job done, and my quads and glutes sure don’t seem to complain (except for the deep scream-inducing burn). Low back felt fine right up until my warmup set of Stiff-legged deadlifts. As you can see above, those aren’t included. I had to increase the workload on Leg curls instead. Otherwise, everything was spot-on through the workout. Felt really strong on the chest work, too. That makes for a happy Monday.
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.


Legs, Chest, Triceps (Phase 2)

Funny, but I almost forgot to train today. Sunday workouts have been random “if I feel like doing something” days for years, but the split of Phase 2 means either a Saturday or Sunday every weekend. I happened to remember just as I was about to get something to eat. Turned out to be a great snow-day Sunday workout…

Quads: Step-back lunges (2×10,8); Sissy squats (2×12,10)
Hamstrings: Stiff-legged deadlifts (1×14); Leg curls (2×12,10)
Calves: Donkey calf raises (2×45,40); One-legged calf raises (2×14,12)
Chest: Incline DB presses (2×10,8); Incline flyes (1×9); DB bench presses (2×10,8); DB flyes (1×10)
Triceps: Lying extensions (2×10,9); Overhead extensions (1×10); Bench dips (2×12,10)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the Phase 2 workout in the Size Surge Workout e-book.

Summary: Step-back lunges are great! I really feel my quads and glutes doing the work, and not even a tingle of back pain. For now, that’s a win-win. The only change to the workout today was adding a set of Bench dips for triceps. I just wanted to number of sets to match what I was doing for biceps on the other day. I’m weird like that, but it felt great. Workout was outstanding. No pressure to get done by a certain time, and a good amount of snow falling outside, so I know there’s a good day of play ahead with my son. Only problem might be trying to run in the snow after the leg work. LOL
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.


Legs, Chest, Triceps (Phase 2)

Okay, so I’m taking squats off the table for legs. No major injury, but high levels of pain while feeling on the verge of something bad about to happen. Not worth the risk, so lunges will be the prime quad move for now. I guess this will be one way to avoid any future old-guy-with-flat-butt issues…

Quads: Step-back lunges (2×10,8); Sissy squats (2×12,10)
Hamstrings: Stiff-legged deadlifts (1×10); Leg curls (2×12,10)
Calves: Donkey calf raises (2×45,40); One-legged calf raises (2×14,12)
Chest: Incline DB presses (2×12,10); Incline flyes (1×10); DB bench presses (2×10,8); DB flyes (1×9)
Triceps: Lying extensions (2×10,9); Overhead extensions (1×10); Bench dips (1×12)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the Phase 2 workout in the 20 Pounds of Muscle in 10 Weeks e-book.

Summary: The warmup on squats felt okay, but the first 4-5 reps of a real set made me realize I was a ticking time bomb, so I stopped and moved on to Step-back lunges. They actually felt great for quads and glutes, with zero lo-back pain. They take twice as long because of doing alternate legs for each rep, but that’s not a bad thing from a conditioning standpoint. For chest I decided to swap things around, so I’m starting with Incline presses for upper pecs, then finishing with lower-pec work. Personal preference, and mostly because I need more upper-pec development at the moment. Great workout once I was able to let go of the need to squat… For now.
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.


Legs, Chest, Triceps (Phase 2)

I can squat again! Okay, low back isn’t quite 100%, but it’s close enough to do squats without feeling like I’m going to die. Had an appointment to get to, so this one was rushed a bit, but that’s a good thing. It forced me to stick to the 35-45 seconds of rest between sets that I prefer…

Quads: Squats (2×12,10); Sissy squats (2×12,10)
Hamstrings: Stiff-legged deadlifts (1×12); Leg curls (2×12,10)
Calves: Donkey calf raises (2×40,35); One-legged calf raises (2×14,12)
Chest: DB bench presses (2×12,10); DB flyes (1×10); Incline DB presses (2×10,9); Incline flyes (1×10)
Triceps: Lying extensions (2×10,9); Overhead extensions (1×10); Bench dips (1×12)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the Phase 2 workout in the 20 Pounds of Muscle in 10 Weeks e-book.

Summary: It was great to be able to squat again, and I’m fairly certain my visits to a great muscle and joint clinic nearby have helped. As much as the quick-fix for my low back is great, I’m looking forward to seeing if they can help me get rid of some chronic midback issues. So far, so good. Workout was a little more rushed than I wanted today, but still very good. The every-other-day split of Phase 2 is nice for recovery, and the workouts are short but intense. Plus, I’m still sticking with some interval cardio on the “off” days as a way to get body composition into a more spring- and summer-friendly state. LOL!
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.


Legs, Chest, Triceps (Phase 2)

Phase 2 started with a bang! Unfortunately, that bang was in my lower back. LOL! I thought I was good-to-go after a warmup, yet my back gave out again within the first few reps of a normal set. I swapped over to lunges instead, as they allowed for some actual quad work without the back strain. Oddly, Stiff-legged deadlifts are fine…

Quads: Lunges (2×10,9); Sissy squats (3×12,11,10)
Hamstrings: Stiff-legged deadlifts (1×12); Leg curls (2×12,10)
Calves: Donkey calf raises (2×40,35); One-legged calf raises (2×14,12)
Chest: DB bench presses (2×12,10); DB flyes (1×12); Incline DB presses (2×10,9); Incline flyes (1×12)
Triceps: Lying extensions (2×10,9); Overhead extensions (1×9); Bench dips (1×10)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the Phase 2 workout in the 20 Pounds of Muscle in 10 Weeks e-book.

Summary: So, it wasn’t the roar I was hoping for while moving into Phase 2, but after figuring out something that I could do for quads without dying, it was good. There’s only a little bit more work for each bodypart, but it’s full-range POF work, so the pump was significantly different, and longer lasting. A bit more focus, too, as there aren’t as many muscle groups to concentrate on per training session, even though it took the same amount of time in the gym. Good stuff, and already looking forward to workout 2.
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.


Legs, Chest, Back, Shoulders (Phase 2)

Well, that wasn’t the stellar end to Phase 1 that I was hoping for, but it has me looking forward to Phase 2 at least. Back wasn’t quite healed, so squats were out again for legs. Plus, it was a short-on-time day, so I threw in some supersets…

Quads: Sissy squats (3×12,11,10)
Hamstrings: Stiff-legged deadlifts (3×15,12,8)
Calves: Standing calf raises (2×40,35)
Back/Chest: Chins (2×12,10) ss DB incline presses (2×12,10); DB flyes (1×10); Bent-arm bent-over laterals (2×10,9)
Shoulders: DB upright rows (3×15,12,10)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the Phase 1 workout in the 20 Pounds of Muscle in 10 Weeks e-book.

Summary: Tried to do Squats again, but a quarter of a warmup rep was proof that it was a bad idea. Ironically, however, Stiff-legged deadlifts didn’t feel too bad, so those were okay. I did supersets for chest and back up front, but Bent-over rows were still out, so I ended with Bent-arm bent-over laterals just to get some sort of midback work beyond the Stiff-legged deadlifts. Shoulder work was all DB uprights, simply because I actually feel those in my delts. An okay workout, but not great. I’ll consider this week to be the “medium-intensity” that I was going to skip before Phase 2.
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.


Calves, Arms, Abs (Phase 1)

Today’s workout had to be adapted again, unfortunately. Calves became the first bodypart based on my single-rep warm-up attempt with deadlifts. Even with 1/2 my normal warmup weight, I almost couldn’t stand up. Still not sure how this happened, because it wasn’t in the gym or doing anything around the house. I really think it’s just a matter of always needing to sleep on my back or side. Oops…

Calves: Standing calf raises (2×15,14)
Biceps: Standing curls (2×10,9); Concentration curls (2×10,9)
Triceps: Lying extensions (2×10,9); Bench dips (2×12,10)
Forearms: Wrist curls (1×12); Reverse wrist curls (1×12); Forearm rockers (1×10); Hammer curls (1×10)
Abs: Leg raises (2×15) ss Full-range crunches (2×15 + X Reps) ss Planks (2×45 seconds)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the Phase 1 workout in the 20 Pounds of Muscle in 10 Weeks e-book.

Summary: As much as I hated not being able to do Deadlifts today, that anger actually helped elsewhere. LOL! I went heavier on everything else, and still managed to get a good number of reps with a good amount of time under tension. I’m surprised my early-morning yelling didn’t wake anyone, but it sure made for a great workout. Now to con my wife into going back to her massage-therapy roots today or tomorrow so that I can actually train legs again on Friday.
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.


Legs, Chest, Back, Shoulders (Phase 1)

I can’t remember the last time I had to alter a workout because of low-back pain, but it happened today. No pain over the weekend, and no injuries lately, so I think I probably just slept on my stomach last night. That’s become back suicide for me over the last several years, so legs got severly neglected today, despite how motivated I was…

Quads: Sissy squats (3×12,11,10)
Hamstrings: Leg curls (3×10,10,8)
Chest: DB bench presses (2×10,9); DB flyes (1×10); DB incline presses (2×10,9)
Back: Chins (2×12,10); DB shrugs (2×12,10)
Shoulders: DB presses (2×15,12); DB upright rows (2×15,12)
Calves: Standing calf raises (2×40,35)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the Phase 1 workout in the 20 Pounds of Muscle in 10 Weeks e-book.

Summary: I walked into the gym feeling fine, but I soon as I stood back and attempted my first warm up rep on squats, I was done. I wasn’t happy, but I did what I could with what I had. That meant no big movements, unfortunately, and a leg workout that felt more like a long warmup. Oh well. Felt plenty good on chest, and then quickly remembered my lower back when I tried a warmup rep on Bent-over rows. Those quickly turned into DB shrugs instead. Turned out to be a decent workout for chest, back, delts, and even calves. Quads and hams got an okay pump, but not enough to feel like I did anything significant.
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.


Legs, Chest, Back, Shoulders (Phase 1)

Hard to believe next week will be the last one on Phase 1. I forgot just how short 4 weeks really is, but it’s a great amount of time for keeping focus. Today’s workout was great, and the interval cardio I’ve been doing on “off” days has me feeling great…

Quads: Squats (2×15,12); Sissy squats (1×12)
Hamstrings: Leg curls (2×10,9)
Calves: Seated calf raises (2×15,12)
Chest: DB bench presses (2×12,10); DB flyes (1×10); DB incline presses (2×10,9)
Back: Chins (2×12,10); Bent-over rows (2×10,9)
Shoulders: DB presses (2×12,10); DB upright rows (2×15,12)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the Phase 1 workout in the 20 Pounds of Muscle in 10 Weeks e-book.

Summary: Time has flown by since starting this routine up, especially since I only originally intended to use it for one week as a holiday catch-up. Next week will be great, and I’m already looking forward to Phase 2, as I flash back to the original gains I made on this routine. The longer tension times from the higher reps and slower negatives, however, has even more potential. The feel for each muscle group is exponentially better this time around, but my eating, age, and overall activity levels are significantly different, too… We’ll see how it all plays out in another 5-6 weeks.
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.
