Chest, Lats, Tris, Abs

Made it through the first full round of the new 3-day split (over 5 days) and couldn’t be happier. Sore everywhere, but not crippling, so no need to hold back on anything. I can’t even remember the last time I did the full UMW X-Rep split, but now I remember why I liked it so much the first time – especially now with slightly higher reps for longer tension times…

Chest: Incline presses (2×15,10 + X Reps); Incline flyes (1×10 + X Reps); Dips–drop set (2×12(8) + X Reps); DB flyes–drop set (1×12(10)(6) + X Reps)
Lats: Chins (1×12 + X Reps); Undergrip chins (1×10 + X Reps); Pullovers (1×10 + X Reps) ss Undergrip rows (1×10); Undergrip rows–stage (1×9)
Triceps: Lying extensions (2×15,10 + X Reps); Overhead extensions (2×10,8 + X Reps) ss Bench dips (2×10,8 + X Reps)
Abs: Kneeups (1×15) ss Full-range crunches (1×25 + X Fade) ss Planks (1×60 sec); Bench V-ups (1×15 + X Reps)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the X-Rep Mass-Detail Workout in the Ultimate Mass Workout e-book.

Summary: Very happy with the new routine, and the split with this volume seems to be ideal at the moment. Mind you, it’s been a whopping 4 days, so I’ll keep tabs on my recovery, but I don’t sense their being any issues. I might have to sneak back to super-early training, however, as my 5-year old son has been my training partner this week. He’s mostly ended up working in a coloring book next to me between his “sets,” but today he decide to start practicing on his drums. Let’s just say it was loud and not exactly idea for focus. Of course, the workout was pretty incredible, too, so maybe it was a good thing? LOL
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.


Delts, Midback, Biceps, Forearms

Today was a great one, and it was an incredible combo of delts and midback work. I haven’t felt this sort of fullness in a while, and I liked it…

Delts: DB upright rows (3×14,12,8 + X Reps); Seated laterals (1×12 + X Reps) ss Wide DB upright rows (1×12 + X Reps); Standing DB presses (1×12 + X Reps); Seated DB presses (1×10 + X Reps); Incline one-arm laterals (1×10 + X Reps) ss Leaning one-arm laterals (1×8 + X Reps); Bent-over laterals (1×10 + X top)
Midback: Chest-supported DB rows (2×12,10 + X Reps); Bent-arm bent-over laterals–drop set (1×12(8) + X Reps); Forward-lean shrugs (1×12 + X Reps) ss Shrugs (1×15 + X Fade)
Biceps: Standing DB curls (2×12,10 + X top); Concentration curls–drop set (1×12(8) + X Reps); One-arm spider curlss (1×10 + X Fade)
Forearms: Incline hammer curls (1×10 + X Reps) ss Standing close-grip hammer curls (1×8 + X Reps); Reverse wrist curls–drop set (1×12(8) + X Reps); Wrist curls–drop set (1×15(10) + X Reps); Forearm rockers (1×12 + X Reps)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the X-Rep Mass-Detail Workout in the Ultimate Mass Workout e-book.

Summary: Another great one, and much more delt work than I’ve been doing. That’s a good thing, though, as delts have always been a weak area for me, at least from a width aspect. I blame my parents for my narrow clavicles. LOL! Delts felt great, and they’ll probably be sore tomorrow. Midback felt great, too, and much more “in touch” than it has lately. Biceps and forearms always respond well, and it was great to have dedicated forearm work for a change. I guess we’ll see if I still have some grip strength left for lats tomorrow.
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.


Quads, Hams, Calves (legs)

It felt really good to be training legs by themselves. Focus was much higher, and there was no subconscious effort to preserve energy for other bodyparts. I never felt that I was doing that, yet this workout was so much better that it’s very likely I was…

Quads: Squats (2×15,10 + X Reps); Sissy squats (1×15 + X top); Sissy squats–rest/pause (2×12,9 + X Reps); Step-back lunges (1×12); Squats (1×12 + X Reps)
Hamstrings: Leg curls (1×12 + X top); Leg curls–drop set (1×12,8 + X Reps); Stiff-legged deadlifts (2×15,10 + X Reps)
Calves: Alternate calf raises (2×20,15 + X top); Alternate calf raises–drop set (1×12(8) + X top); Donkey calf raises (1×25 + X Reps); Seated calf raises (2×15,12 + X Fade)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the X-Rep Mass-Detail Workout in the Ultimate Mass Workout e-book.

Summary: Great workout and legs are still shaking as I sit at my desk. I’m missing out on some equipment, so there are a few changes to the workout as listed in UMW, but just as it is with cars, modifying is fun. LOL! Without a leg extension machine I had to use different strategies on Sissy squats, and without any other big leg equipment pieces, it was all Squats and lunges for my pressing movements. Worked well, though. Same with calf work, but I was able to make it through almost as intended. Plenty of pump and (good) pain regardless, though.
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.


Chest, Lats, Tris, Abs (UMW)

Sometimes you wake up feeling great and want to shake things up a bit, so that’s what I did today by bringing back UMW. I was still loving the Size Surge split with TORQ and 4X mixed in, but sometimes it’s best to make changes before things get stale…

Chest: Incline presses (2×15,10 + X Reps); Incline flyes (1×10 + X Reps); Dips–drop set (1×15(10) + X Reps); DB flyes–drop set(1×12(10)(6) + X Reps)
Lats: Chins (1×12 + X Reps); Undergrip chins (1×10 + X Reps); Pullovers (1×10 + X Reps) ss Undergrip rows (1×10); Undergrip rows–stage (1×9)
Triceps: Lying extensions (2×15,10 + X Reps); Overhead extensions (2×12,8 + X Reps) ss Bench dips (2×10,8 + X Reps)
Abs: Kneeups (1×15) ss Full-range crunches (1×25 + X Fade) ss Planks (1×60 sec); Bench V-ups (1×15 + X Reps)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the X-Rep Mass-Detail Workout in the Ultimate Mass Workout e-book.

Summary: I had the intent of continuing with the SS split plus TORQ/4X, but the 2-day split over 5 days would mean minimal rest between bodyparts on a regular basis. Plus, while the workouts weren’t long, I wanted to put more concentration into my leg work, which has been combined with chest and tris for several months. I flashed back to the incredible progress I made on our original X-Rep routine from the UMW e-book, and figured that would be perfect. There are a few changes here and there based on the minimal equipment I have, and the reps are higher than what we did in UMW, but just as a meanst to keep tension times a bit longer. Plus, I’m also continuing with the 45 seconds of rest between sets and exercises. Made for an absolutely incredible workout, and I’m looking forward to seeing how things progress over the next several weeks.
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.


Back, Delts, Bis, Abs (TORQ workouts)

I’m liking the TORQ workouts so much that it was bothering me that I couldn’t fully utilize it on back work, so I swapped things around a bit. A simple change of sequence made for an insane pump, and the need for a fire extinguisher nearby to help with the burn. LOL…

Back: Pullovers (3×30,20,15 + X Reps); Undergrip chins (3×10); Bent-over bent-arm laterals (3×30,20,15 + X Reps); Behind-the-neck chins (2×10 + X Reps); One-arm DB rows (1×15); Forward-lean shrugs (1×20 + X Reps)
Delts: DB upright rows (3×30,20,15 + X Reps); Incline one-arm laterals (1×15 + X Reps); Lateral raises (2×15,12 + X Reps)
Biceps: DB curls (3×30,20,15); Incline DB curls (1×12 + X Reps); Concentration curls (1×18 + X Reps)
Forearms: DB wrist curls (2×15,10); Reverse DB wrist curls (2×15,12)
Abs: Full-range crunches (3×30,20,15)—last set ss with Planks (1×60 seconds)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the Phase 2 workout in the Size Surge Workout e-book plus TORQ sequences from the 4X Mass Workout 2.0 e-book.

Summary: Switching the back work around a bit was a great move. It allowed me to actually use TORQ (30,20,15), which I can’t quite do on chins, at least not back-to-back reps with 45-second rest periods between sets. Plus, this actually made the rest of back work feel more productive, so it’s a win-win. No major changes other than sequence adjustments for back. A great workout made even better than last time.
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.


Legs, Chest, Tris (back-to-back training)

First back-to-back training days in a while, but I think I need it. Partially because it just keeps me motivated, but also because I find I concentrate better through the day on training days versus off days. I’m debating on whether I’ll go 5 days in a row, or if I might take Wednesdays as a cardio day. We’ll see…

Quads: Squats (3×30,20,15 + X Reps); Sissy squats (2×12,10 + X Reps)
Hamstrings: Stiff-legged deadlifts (3×30,20,15 + X Reps); Leg curls (2×15,12 + X Reps)
Calves: Donkey calf raises (3×50,40,30 + X Reps); One-legged calf raises (3×15,12,8 + X Reps)
Chest: Incline DB presses (3×30,20,15 + X Reps); DB flyes (2×15,12 + X Reps)
Triceps: Lying extensions (3×30,20,15 + X Reps); Overhead extensions (1×12 + X Reps); Bench dips (1×12 + X Reps)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the Phase 2 workout in the Size Surge Workout e-book plus TORQ sequences from the 4X Mass Workout 2.0 e-book.

Summary: With the anticipation of less recovery time between workouts, I dropped the volume very slightly, but tried to increase the tension times a bit more. Except for calves where I increased both – they need it. I also made my Lying extensions much stricter for triceps, and it had a profound effect on my reps for the subsequent sets. Prooves that I’ve probably been cheating myself a bit there. Overall, it felt great to have back-to-back training days, and I’ll decide in the morning if I should go 5 days in a row, or take tomorrow as a cardio day.
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.


Back, Delts, Biceps, Abs (great one!)

Another great one! Plus, our internet was down for a bit this morning, so it “forced” me to go back to my old, earlier training time. It actually works better this way anyway, so it was a welcome problem…

Back: Undergrip chins (3×12 + X Reps); Pullovers (2×15,10); Behind-the-neck chins (3×10 + X Reps); One-arm DB rows (2×14,12); Bent-over bent-arm laterals (2×14,12 + X Reps); Forward-lean shrugs (1×20 + X Reps)
Delts: DB upright rows (3×30,20,15 + X Reps); Incline one-arm laterals (2×12,10 + X Reps); Lateral raises (2×15,12 + X Reps)
Biceps: DB curls (3×30,20,15); Incline DB curls (1×12 + X Reps); Concentration curls (2×15,12 + X Reps)
Forearms: DB wrist curls (2×15,10); Reverse DB wrist curls (2×15,12)
Abs: Full-range crunches (3×30,20,15)—last set ss with Planks (1×60 seconds)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the Phase 2 workout in the Size Surge Workout e-book plus TORQ sequences from the 4X Mass Workout 2.0 e-book.

Summary: Outstanding weather and an outstanding workout. The only thing that would’ve made it better is if I had been able to open the gym window for some fresh air. No, there was nothing wrong with the window, but our dog has decided that his new bathroom is right outside of that window. I’ll take stale basement air over that any day. LOL! Strength was great, and so was the pump. I’ll probably start using some rep-speed variations from SSCC to add to the variety. Despite the back work, forearms have felt a bit ignored, so I added direct work back into the mix. Felt great, and added to the lower-arm vascularity, which always helps with the pre-summer motivation.
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.


Legs, Chest, Triceps (birthday blast!)

Friday the 13th AND birthday blast training… What a frightening combination. Actually turned out to be a great workout, and I didn’t even feel (that) bad about my family greeting me with cake immediately after. LOL! I had an ample dose of protein, and the chocolate-on-chocolate cake spiked my insulin for a beneficial hormone boost, I’m sure…

Quads: Squats (3×30,20,15 + X Reps); Sissy squats (3×10 + X Reps)
Hamstrings: Stiff-legged deadlifts (3×15 + X Reps); Leg curls (3×15 + X Reps)
Calves: Donkey calf raises (3×50,40,30 + X Reps); One-legged calf raises (3×12,10,8 + X Reps)
Chest: Incline DB presses (3×30,20,15 + X Reps); Incline DB flyes (1×12 + X Reps); DB Bench presses (2×20,15 + X Reps); DB flyes (1×12 + X Reps)
Triceps: Lying extensions (3×30,20,15 + X Reps); Overhead extensions (1×15 + X Reps); Bench dips (2×15 + X Reps)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the Phase 2 workout in the Size Surge Workout e-book plus TORQ sequences from the 4X Mass Workout 2.0 e-book.

Summary: How could it not be a great workout when I woke up alive on my birthday? That’s always a great way to start another year, and the workout echoed that. Legs are still shaking, and chest and tris are still pumped – no doubt from the post-workout cake consumption. You simply don’t say “no” to a 5-year old boy when he’s standing in front of you with a birthday cake and lit candles, though. Now to enjoy the pump, get some work done, and enjoy the day.
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.


Back, Delts, Biceps, Abs (time to eat)

Great workout! Everything felt perfect, but I had the sudden realization that it’s time to eat! I’m lucky to still have good strength and to still be getting an impressive pump. One of the joys of working at home is that you have easy access to your kitchen at all times. One of the drawbacks, however, is that it’s depressingly easy to forget meals. Time to get back to using an alarm clock as a reminder to eat…

Back: Undergrip chins (3×12 + X Reps); Pullovers (2×15,10); Behind-the-neck chins (3×10 + X Reps); One-arm DB rows (2×12,8); Bent-over bent-arm laterals (2×14,12 + X Reps); Forward-lean shrugs (1×20 + X Reps)
Delts: DB upright rows (3×30,20,15 + X Reps); Incline one-arm laterals (2×12,10 + X Reps); Lateral raises (1×20 + X Reps)
Biceps: DB curls (3×30,20,15); Incline DB curls (1×12 + X Reps); Concentration curls (2×15,10 + X Reps)
Abs: Full-range crunches (3×30,20,15)—last set ss with Planks (1×60 seconds)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the Phase 2 workout in the Size Surge Workout e-book plus TORQ sequences from the 4X Mass Workout 2.0 e-book.

Summary: This incredibly nice weather means that we’ve been shedding the layers of clothing, and yesterday was the first time I’ve worn a T-shirt since September. Aside from just being pasty white from not having been in the sun for so long, I noticed that, despite my workouts being great, I’m looking like a reduced-size version of myself. Sure, being sick for 1.5 weeks wouldn’t have helped, but I wasn’t sick to my stomach at all… I saw myself in the mirror and realized that I’m simply not eating enough. I have a feeling that getting myself back up to my normal macronutrient levels will blast me into decent shape in no time. Just funny to realize how easy it’s been to miss meals when there’s a stocked kitchen right below me, but I’ll blame the multiple shirts I’ve been wearing every day for the illusion of size. LOL
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.


Legs, Chest, Triceps (no mo’ snow)

What an incredible weekend! It’s all relative, I know, as a weekend like this one would be considered almost cold in summer, but considering there was “no mo’ snow” on the ground from the last snowfall 4 days ago, mid-60s and sunny was pretty darn nice. The only bad thing is that the hot and humid summer is that much closer, and so is yard duty. LOL…

Quads: Squats (3×30,20,15 + X Reps); Sissy squats (3×10 + X Reps)
Hamstrings: Leg curls (3×30,20,1 + X Reps); Stiff-legged deadlifts (3×10 + X Reps)
Calves: Donkey calf raises (3×50,40,30 + X Reps); One-legged calf raises (2×15 + X Reps)
Chest: Incline DB presses (3×30,20,15 + X Reps); Incline DB flyes (1×12 + X Reps); DB Bench presses (1×20 + X Reps); DB flyes (1×12 + X Reps)
Triceps: Lying extensions (3×30,20,15 + X Reps); Overhead extensions (1×15 + X Reps); Bench dips (1×15 + X Reps)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the Phase 2 workout in the Size Surge Workout e-book plus TORQ sequences from the 4X Mass Workout 2.0 e-book.

Summary: We actually spent most of the weekend outside, got plenty of springtime yard prep done, and lots of play time with the boy. A long-sleeve shirt was bordeline uncomfortable, and lots of people were out in shorts. Spring is in the air! That means that mornings are still cool (which I love for training) and fresh air is abundant, so the motivation is kicking into ultra high gear. Great workout because of it, and I’ve felt that legs are getting a good workout, but not quite enough workload, so I bumped up the volume a bit, and both quads and hams were on fire as a result. Chest was on swole patrol, too. Amazing what decent weather can do for your overall sense of well being. That’s the beauty of having real seasons, and a huge part of the reason we relocated. Love it!
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.
