Foo Fighters: Learn to Fly-Rockin1000

Foo FightersNot every music fan is a rock fan, and not every rock fan is a Foo Fighters fan. I’ve never understood the occasional disdain I hear about the Foo Fighters and Dave Grohl, but whatever your feelings are, it’s hard to argue with the sound of 1,000 musicians coming together to play Foo Fighters Learn to Fly – performed by Rockin1000… [Read more…]


Like a Potato Gun… Only Better

Jimmy's Treehouse


Preview: 2014 Pirelli Calendar

2014 Pirelli Calendar Preview

Preview of the 2014 Pirelli tire calendar, leaked during the 2013 British Grand Prix.  

(Borrowed from a post on the Axis of Oversteer FB page)


Santa Claus: Taking this 2012 Business Seriously


Hazard Fraught Tools

I’ll be the first to admit that I love going into Harbor Freight.  It’s like a guilty pleasure.  Although I still have a working impact wrench I purchased there several years ago, it’s generally accepted that you shouldn’t expect a lifetime of use out of anything there, unless it’s the lifetime of the tool. 

Thank you to whomever had the time to put this spoof catalog together…

Click image to download full Hazard Fraught Tools catalog.


It’s All About Perspective


Baseball From The Dark Side… In Japan


Ready For Your Closeup?

Porsche Closeup

Extreme Closeup photo courtesy of Dedeporsches Blog


Avengers: Greatest Superhero Movie?

Avengers Movie PosterSuperhero movies have come a long way since the early Superman movies of the ’70s and ’80s.  Even the Tim Burton Batman movies, which were a big deal when they came out, feel incredibly dated now. [Read more…]
