Back, Delts, Biceps, Abs (fight through it)

This is getting ridiculous. Still feeling a bit under the weather, but I’ve decided to fight through it rather than take it easy. What started off as a seemingly 24-hour bug last week has lingered and turned into a sinus and lung infection as far as I can tell. I probably should’ve taken a day off, but I simply didn’t want to, and I figured the worst thing that could happen is I can feel worse tomorrow, but it’s a non-training day anyway: Challenge accepted…

Back: Chins (3×12); Pullovers (1×15); Behind-the-neck chins (3×10); One-arm DB rows (1×15); Bent-over bent-arm laterals (1×20); Forward-lean shrugs (1×20)
Delts: DB upright rows (3×30,20,15); Incline one-arm laterals (1×15 + X Reps); Lateral raises (1×18 + X Reps)
Biceps: DB curls (3×30,20,15); Incline DB curls (1×15 + X Reps); Concentration curls (1×15 + X Reps)
Abs: Full-range crunches (3×30,20,15)—last set ss with Planks (1×60 seconds)
Note: My current PowerBlock gym split is based on the Phase 2 workout in the Size Surge Workout e-book plus TORQ sequences from the 4X Mass Workout 2.0 e-book.

Summary: While I did decide to train through whatever I have, I am (barely) smart enough to know that I was better off not going to absolute failure. Plus, my lungs were struggling to keep up a bit, as they seem to have a nice dose of nasties they wanted to try to cough up relentlessly. Overall it was a good workout, and much better than wishing I would’ve trained. Hopefully just enough to work with my immune system rather than against it, though I won’t really know for another 18-24 hours. LOL
Diet, Supplements & Nutrient Timing: For meal-by-meal diets plus training and nutrition info, see the X-treme Lean e-book.
