Soon to be at its new home with our yet-to-be-named race team.
What happens when you want to go racing and you’ve been on a 7-year break from your favorite pastime because of real-life responsibilities, but you happen to have a handful of local race-loving friends in the same situation? Well, that’s how a racing team is born!

This was the car that got me truly hooked, and eventually became a race car… Once I put over 180K miles on the chassis.
The last time I went racing it was in my own street-car-turned-race-car, and while I got the car new in 1999 with the intention of never modifying it, that quickly changed after my first on-track driving event in 2000. I started instructing at HPDEs in 2001, coaching for race-licensing programs in 2002 and then started my own endurance-racing adventures in 2003 at the 25 Hours of Thunderhill. Addiction had fully set in, and I knew that my street car would eventually become a race car so that I wouldn’t have rent rides anymore. Long story short, that day did come, and it quickly flew by after a single season of sprint racing with BMW CCA. My wife and I decided we wanted a family, so I traded in my racing dream for the dream family – the biggest win of my life!
Of course, that addiction and desire never really dies, but the idea of hemorrhaging money on a regular basis isn’t appealing when you’ve got a whole lot of real life going on around you. Back in 2008, there wasn’t much in the way of endurance race series, at least not to the extent that there is now, let alone the more enjoyable grassroots approach that’s developed over the years. LeMons became a hit for the fun-loving guys, then ChumpCar, and now WRL (World Racing League) among others. The choices are plentiful, the racing is fun, and the driving stints are long. Perfect! And now Project M3 will have a cousin in the garage.

All prepped up by its previous owner and waiting for its ride across half the country to its new home.
As our team of six anxiously awaits the arrival of our SpecE36-prepared BMW 325i, we’ll be coming up with a team name and planning our assault on the 2015 race season. One thing we all know is that we’ll have huge smiles on our faces, and plenty of stories to share. Full driver bios and a team page are on the horizon, as well as stories filled with our fun times on and off track, and most of the stories will even be true.