Lockton Motorsports HPDE Insurance

Porsche 996 GT3 - Lockton Motorsports HPDE InsuranceThere’s a saying when it comes to driving on track, whether it’s racing or an HPDE (High-Performance Driving Event): It’s not a matter of if you’ll wreck, but when. It’s almost inevitable, unfortunately, but the severity can range anywhere from a bent wheel all the way up to completely totaled car, or even death. It’s a fact that many choose to ignore, but that doesn’t make it any less true.

In racing, whether you believe “rubbin’ is racin'” or if you follow vintage 13/13 rules to ensure minimal contact, you’re still left on your own in the end.  The only insurance you have is trust in the other drivers, plus a plethora of always-advancing safety equipment. Sure, there’s the unspoken gentleman’s rule, whereby we all hope that the person at fault will step up to make things right, but it’s certainly not expected, nor is it the norm.  It’s just the nature of the racing beast.

When it comes to HPDEs, however, things are considerably different.  There’s a lot of money to be spent, but not a dime to be won; not even a  cheap plastic trophy.  At best, you want to leave an event with a new level of driving ability and awareness, plus all of your equipment in the same exact condition it was in when you arrived.  Aside from some healthy tire wear, less brake pad material, and a few rock chips and tire boogers stretched across your hood.

Crunched E46 M3 - Lockton Motorsports HPDE Insurance

Bad things happen to good people, and sometimes to both ends of a car. Barriers on track are designed to protect others, not to protect a car’s body panels.

Unfortunately, things don’t always go as planned, even for the greatest of drivers. Whether the fault lies with yourself, someone else, or a mechanical failure, bad things can happen–and quickly. Many years ago, drivers would get lucky and have their regular auto insurance policies cover any on-track mishaps.  After a fair number of those claims, however, as well as an odd number of vehicles being totaled on “access roads” to tracks, the insurance companies decided to protect their bottom ends.  Most, if not all, auto policies now have exclusions for speed events, whether timed or not.  The jig was up!

E36 M3 wreckage - Lockton Motorsports HPDE InsuranceDuring this time, however, a new program was being developed at Lockton Affinity. The Lockton Motorsports HPDE insurance program has taken off in a huge way, and has saved countless people from leaving a car behind, and never being able to pick up the pieces, so to speak, because of the associated costs.

Audi TT on track - Lockton Motorsports HPDE Insurance

Thanks to the Lockton Motorsports program, drivers can have one less thing on their minds when they bring their street cars to HPDE events.


996 GT3 up the hill - Lockton Motorsports HPDE Insurance

Because sometimes How-the-hell-did-that-happen moments just happen.


Alpine White E36 M3 crash - Lockton Motorsports HPDE Insurance

And because sometimes you fall victim to someone else on track suffering from the fabled “Red Mist.”

Yes, it’s even happened to yours truly.  After 11 years without a single on-track incident, I became the victim of the inevitable. Regardless of how well you plan and how aware you are of your surroundings, you might even fall prey to another driver being trapped in their own legendary level of adrenaline-induced Red Mist. I’ll spare you the long story, but if the Lockton Motorsports HPDE Insurance had been available back then, many parts of my own life would have turned out a bit differently.  Not that I’m bitter, of course; “Stuff” happens

See the full story on the Lockton Motorsports HPDE Insurance program at MotoIQ.com.
